Friday, December 18, 2009

AL Franken, Freshman Senator was allowed too preside over the US Senate.

Initially, I wondered how a freshman senator was allowed to preside over the Senate, especially a freshman as controversial as Al Franken, then it dawned on me. I believe @alfranken was placed there in hopes of embarrassing Lieberman.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

RE Charges against the SEALS, we need the facts first.

The SEALS can beat him within an inch of his life as they are attempting to overcome his resistance while detaining him. Once he is detained, unless he is attempting to escape, they MUST safeguard him. Those SEALS are trained professionals and are NOT to act as judge, jury and punisher. We need the facts. If he got his lip bloodied while they were capturing him. Too bad. Please Comment!

Friday, July 24, 2009

How should a black man react to a white police officer?

My first guess is that he should respone no differenty than I would. Respectfully and like I was scared to death. Are their any other options?

Saturday, June 20, 2009

OK than Mr Obama, does that mean "Unjust Actions" against other people are OK?

"In a statement that appeared to answer his critics who wanted him to speak out more forcefully, President Obama called on Iran to stop the violence and unjust actions against its people."

Keep in mind, just because these people are demonstrating doesn't mean that their candidate won the majority of the vote. Just that they are fed up! While demonstrating is fine, not all demonstrations are right.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Update on the peacefull Iraniean Muslems

It seems Iran's supreme leader threatened "Bloodshead" if demonstrations don't stop. Just so you know, in peacefull Islamic countries the word Bloodshead is a metaphor for increased friday prayers.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Movie Quote

Luigi: So, mi amici, I would ask who you are, but in view of your shredded clothes and the fact that the Chateau d'If is two miles away... what's the point? As for me, I am Luigi Vampa, a smuggler and a thief. My men and I have come to this island to bury alive one of our number who attempted to keep some stolen gold for himself instead of sharing it with his comrades. Interestingly enough, there are some of his more loyal friends who are insisting that I grant him mercy. Which, of course, I cannot do, or I would quickly lose control of the whole crew. That is why you are such a fortunate find.
Edmond: Why is that?
Luigi: You provide me with a way to show a little mercy to Jacopo - that maggot you see tied up over there - while at the same time not appearing weak. And as a bonus, the lads will get to see a little sport as well.
Edmond: How do I accomplish all this?
Luigi: We watch you and Jacopo fight to the death. If Jacopo wins, we welcome him back to the crew. If you win, I have given Jacopo the chance to live, even if he did not take advantage of it, and you can take his place on the boat.
Edmond: What if I win and I don't want to be a smuggler?
Luigi: Then we slit your throat, and we're a bit shorthanded.
Edmond: [smiles after consideration] I find that smuggling is the life for me, and would be delighted to kill your friend the maggot!
Luigi: Oh, and by the way, Jacopo is the best knife fighter I have ever seen.
Edmond: [unmoved, sarcastically] Perhaps you should get out more...
Luigi: [laughs, shouts to his crew] Release Jacopo, and give him back his knife. And we'll let the games begin...

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Official: Obama Administration Skeptical of Iran's Election Results - Political News -

Obama said what? That sounds like the same old thing we heard the last 8 years. I want to hear extensive dialog. Without extensive evidence of foul play, we should assume the election was fair. Consider also that Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is a family man. What will his wives think now. This could make him ANGRY! Lastly, the election was verified by the Supreme Relegious Leader what's his name. He would surely nit lie or mislead. While on the subject, we really need to get off his back about the nukes. They are only going to use it for peaceful purposes right?

Official: Obama Administration Skeptical of Iran's Election Results - Political News -

Friday, February 6, 2009

Worls Net Daile reported on Sen. Debbie Stabenow, D-Mich.

She is pushing for the re-instatment of the Fairness Doctorine. Her Husband, Tom Athans worked with the left leaning "Air America"  Once it went bankrupt he co-founded Talk Radio USA.  I wonder how it will effect liberal radio and if her husband will profit from this>

Cher almost killed by Republicans?

Cher was quoted today by as stating "living under Republican rule almost “killed" her.  Wow, hows that for over dramatic.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Do not give President Obama a break, but really.

Obama Getting Heat for Turning Up the Oval Office Thermostat

Who really cares?  He the President of the United States of America.  No big deal.

Post Number One!

Frequently, I see news articles I feel the need to comment on.  I would apprecieate intelligent arguments.